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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#116992   2017-03-01 21:12          
# MjM : Game crashes on loading screen...

!Script error

Error: Thread::evalName: null.methodcall() (line:149) (line:256) (line:117) (line:494) (line:198) (line:23) (line:828)<init> (line:360)<init> (line:24)

You've removed the menu car?

Or just removed a mod you saved with?

Added 22 seconds later:

# PlatinumDiamondX : My problem:

I installed BB93's EJ20/25 mod

My game crashed on the loading screen first time
Then I deleted my old career and started a new one, then the slots disappeared and then when I installed SLRR Editor I get an exception caught error when I press select engine blocks so I had to repair the game via control panel

Ok new problem the EJ block doesn't appear on the SLRR editor and I get an exception caught error whenever I try to save.
Says my access to the path is denied

What do I do?

Dont use SLRR editor?

Added 2 minutes later:

# DownbeatPower85 : Well I have some issues with my copy of slrr

I have a significant amount of mods, and i went through them many times already as it randomly crashes with no error log

but now it's fine,other than these few bugs:

1) Sometimes, when the game crashes, it deletes all my garage cars. ALL OF THEM.

2) If it crashes when exiting or sometimes still in game, the parts go gray and unpaintable (if they go unpaintable in game, the game is inevitably gonna crash). I NEED A FIX FOR THIS, IT'S F*****G ANNOYING.

3) Sometimes, the rim catalog just crashes for no apparent reason.

Also if someone could help me rescript the 2UZ i have to match the real specs of the engine, i'd be happy (can't think of a better word, sorru)

All those no apparent reasons are the same thing.

You have too many mods and many of them have too big textures(resolution and size wise), there's nothing we can do to fix that(other than removing some mods, lowering the reso of textures and maybe changing them into jpg to make them smaller) as it's a problem of the game's exe itself(it was never supposed to support all the shit we put ingame).

Added 2 minutes later:

# therealkingmat : when i go into the catalog ,in the body section, and go onto 'body panels' my game crashes every time. i dont have a car selected or anything and even when i do it still crashes. It doesnt show anything in the error log either... someone help please! Thanks in advance.

*EDIT* just found out it crashes when i go into any section of the catalog...

That's a bit weird, at the fist sentence i thought it could be a mod that has broken catalog ids and so always show the parts in catalog, but this way?! Idk.

Just try a fresh install and, as i always suggest, install one mod at once and try the game. Also, dont fill it with a ton of mods and then only always use the same 3(we all do that, so dont lie to me saying you only have the mods you need :P ).

Another thing you gotta know is that you always have to make a new save game when you install or uninstall a mod(either car or part), the game saves what mods are installed when you're creating the savegame and will look for them every time you load the save, crashing.
Diegorborges about my Valo fix: "Now all of you must have your slrr folder like this: C:/BIGBOSSisMYlordANDiamHISbitch/SLRR LOL" :O