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Posts: 23

Location: United States California - Valo City
V$: 260
#114587   2017-01-27 12:40          
Hey, Well after a long pause (about 5 years) i would like to get back into slrr, like seriously back.
So heres my story, what versions of slrr do you use and what mods are you running, like what mods are so called essential, i have looked into bb93-s patch and so on, starting from zero is quite difficult to say the least. Also people who have a lot of engine mods installed arent you bothered by the fact that all your engines may be in the same section not like in 2.3.1 wich sorts engines from i4 to v16, rims dont bother me as much personally but the engines really do, on that part i prefer jacks version. But enough of my talk, it would be nice if u like could hit me up with mod lists perhaps and like a simple the good and bad about your version, Id really appretiate it.


Also sorry for long post and if i may have murdered some words or sentences with my english. (not native language)
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My IRL cars W210 E320cdi Avantgarde, W202 C220 Elegance