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Posts: 703

Location: Bulgaria Sofia
Occupation: Fast way
Age: 121
#11214   2012-03-22 20:26          
Paste in your car rpk and change ID in the light cfg

<FILE 00000026.res >
typeof 13
superid 0x00030008
typeid 0x0000A901 --- The ID for your cfg
alias headlights
isparentcompatible 1.00
<FILE 00000026.rsd >
type spot --- (Type spot - Normal light)(Fake spot - It's a fake orb n there is no light on the ground)
diffuse 0.950 0.770 0.870 1.000 --- Orb color "RGB in %" first one is power of the light/color
specular 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
ambient 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
position 0.000 0.000 0.000
direction 0.000 0.000 -1.000
range 580.000 --- length "light on the ground" "color depends 0x0003000B" "texture depends 0x0003000C"
attenuation 1.000 0.030 0.000
theta 1.896
phi 2.220
lf_texture 0x00030100 --- maps\skydome\lensflare\Flares.ptx "Light orbs,Flares,Rays textrures are here"
lf_glow_color 1.000 0.698 0.798 0.898 --- emitted light from the orb
lf_glow_colortype 2.000
lit_dynamic 1.000
attH_texture 0x0003000B --- cars\racers\textures\light_beams\
attV_texture 0x0003000C --- cars\racers\textures\light_beams\attV.ptx
lf_glow_offset 4.000 --- Orb offset / power
lf_glow_minsize 0.900
lf_glow_maxsize 2.200
lf_ray_count 2.000 --- Number of the rays
lf_ray_minwidth 0.700
lf_ray_maxwidth 1.600
lf_ray_minlenght 1.000
lf_ray_maxlenght 20.000
lf_ray_firstangle 0.0 --- Ray degrees
lf_ray_rotating 0.0 --- Ray rotating when you move camera "shit:)"
lf_flare_count 2.000 --- Flare number "shit:)"
lf_flare_minsize 0.800
lf_flare_maxsize 1.500
lf_flare_distance 1.000
lf_texturemode 2.000

From this one you'll get

This post was edited by Mario (2012-03-22 20:45, ago)