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Posts: 36

Location: Serbia
Occupation: Drifting in GTA:SAMP and selling my soul to anime ._.
Age: 21
V$: W0t
#111480   2016-12-14 22:01          
Well, after having sold my ol' Tommies, I had to find some new 16" wheels (2lazy2findmoartyreslolwut)
After around a day of searching, I found some guy selling some hot af Torq Thrust 16" wheels, and I immediately liked them, they looked awesome.
After having spent 200$, I decided to give my car a bit of exterior style.
First thing I wanted to do is lower the car.
After a bit tampering with the suspension, I dropped the front to around 7", and the back to 8" :D
Second I wanted is a bit offset on the rear, and I found a guy selling some custom-made rear fenders, for about 550$
I got rid of the old ones, and slapped the custom ones in an hour or so.
There wasn't much difference, the custom ones were a bit wider, which allowed for me to get dat sweet -26 offset on the rear B)
After a long day, I finally took some time to rest.

After a good 6hrs of sleep, I think it was finally time to make my car much more noticeable.
There was a nearby paint shop, which I was headed to.
I already had arranged a meeting at around 1:00PM, and the guy was waiting for me.
He told me he would finish painting the car at around 8:00PM, and so, 650$ went from my wallet to his.
It was kind of lonely without the car, and I was a bit worried if the paint would come out good.
(Yes he is a fast painter, O.o)

I arrived at 8:10PM (Walking makes you be late for a schedule by ten minutes, be careful kids), and the truck already waited for me there, now dressed in a beautiful white colour.

Before I left, the guy asked to take some pics XD
Dis is the truck:

(Ignore the crappy cruise control, I was 2 tired (EYY PUN))

And a shot of me rolling back to my home:
(Yes I did a burnout, u mad)

Current Finances: -200$ (Torq Thrust)
-550$ (Custom fenders)
-650$ (Painty paint)
8,288$ left for me to spend.
W̨he͞n̕ yo̧u̧ ͞real̸i͡ze͜ t͜he c̵a҉r ҉y̶ou ͠b̴o̕u͟g̵ht̶ got҉ ̶n͟o ͠eng̴ine̢