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Posts: 70

Location: Portugal
Occupation: work in a carshop
Age: 28
V$: 8100
#110954   2016-12-09 19:45          
First today the shipment of Japan arrived with several cars but only two of them is that I was intressed a nissan s13 and a honda civic eg6 the nissan brought what I was not expecting a great and beautiful ssr vienna 17 inches with a excellent yokohama tires and The honda brought what I expected a motor nothing more nothing less than a beautiful k20 stock with a few kilometers. The S13 had the rims broke I already sent them to arrange who wants to buy what is left of it goes for 900V$ yesterday morning I went to the store jdm Pt I bought a coilover's for s14 since I did not get any one that sold a second hand and even I saw some recaro in sales I also bought it a total of 2000V$. I spent the night with my friends to put together the whole parts rollbar already finished to performance level straight pipeline with magnaflow tip. The k20 so I have time going to my red boy xD and do not criticize me the back panels of the s14 :drool2: