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Posts: 389

Location: Japan
Occupation: K-STYLE
#101298   2016-06-11 17:35          
(If you are wondering why I have created a new roleplay pm me)
Hello everyone my name is Jorge aka Ward.
I´m 20 years old and I live in Spain, Madrid since I was 19 years old.
I was born in Portugal and I have moved because getting a job in Portugal is really hard so I’ve moved to Spain with a friend of mine and my cousin.(Check them roleplays bellow)
I work in an office I am sale manger.
Since I am here in Spain I didn´t had my own car for some months so, I was using public transports then I started driving my friends ’94 Mazda Miata.
Until now. I have bought my first car and also my favorite car I have bought a Nissan 200SX or Nissan Silvia S13 Hatch whatever you want to call it for the price of 4970V$.
The car is in a very good condition full OEM with a CA18 N/A it was a turbo but the old owner had some problems with it so he went N/A.
Well for now I will use this car as daily/drifter maybe later if I buy another daily car maybe I will swap the CA18 for an SR20DET get some mad rims for now.

-4970V$(Nissan 200sx)

Currancy: 15.030V$

This post was edited by Ward (2016-06-11 18:01, ago)
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