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Posts: 372

Location: Germany Munich
Occupation: Co-Owner of LowLadies
Age: 36
V$: 4100
#89335   2016-01-16 18:18          
Sup all, well i wasnt able to update my build and i lost all the save and all the mods since my PC decided to die after 5 years of working without problems.So basicly this is a Laptop continuation of my RP here, and i cant continue from where i was since i lost all my mods, but i menaged to find the E92 i was using, so it wont be a complete new start of my RP, more like a skiped future, even though i dont like to skip RP, this time its not my fault.Btw i have to apologize for the bad quality i am pushing everything out of the laptops graphics and i finaly can use the AA since its not a AMD graphics card.Hope you still enjoy my builds.

[After a longer time...]

So after selling my cars and my E92 being my daily i wanted to build something since im getting yeled at every time i change our daily and make it from drivable to undrivable, my "Queen" sad to get my self a car to wrench on and leave the E92 before i destroy another daily and turn it into my show/drift/stance missile.

So i went for a search and didnt even know what to build or what i want to drive.One thing was sure, i dont want a complete rust shell cause i dont want to spend money and time on bodywork, and it needs to be cheep to tune and modifie.After some searching i found a car i rlly wanted to take a closer look on.Its a VW Golf MK3.It had the 2.0 engine inside, had full recaro interier, damn it actualy looked preety damn good.It was standing at the owners lot for a time but, before that it was garaged and its shell had a owerhaul 2 years ago, so it was mint.Some color started to fall of on the back panel but not a big deal.Front bumper was bent and basicly those were the only bad sides on the car.We agreed on a price of $2550, and i took it to the garage.

I started right at the same day to check the car, started striping small things of, and started making the list with thing to order for the car.In the upcoming weeks we were basicly striping it down since i decided to repaint it, and it gave us a glimpse on the 2 year old bodywork.We had to fix and fill a few spots but nothing to big.Engine was pulled out and then later sold since i had a plan for a new engine to fit inside.

Once the car came back from paintshop, we started to put the new engine inside.I found a VR6 2.8 with 150k miles on it, a guy puled it out of a MK2 Golf he ownde.He sold it to me for $500 and its a complete swap.Once we made the engine holders and got them welded on we started with puting the engine inside, to see if it sits good and finaly to fire it up once we menage the cables and other electronics.Engine works but imo needs to be serviced even thought the guy sad he did it.Aded that stuff to the "buy" list.The steelis are borrowed from a friend's Miata to kinda test fit 10J rims.Other parts started to be delivered ower time that were ordered, like brakes, coils and some body parts.Basicly this is where we are now, cause the most of the parts arived and we can start puting it together.The engine goes out again for the service, and untill then i will put the coils and brakes on the car.

I know this is a long post but i hope you enjoyed reading throu it.Any help is apriciated so feel free to come by and get your hands dirty.We hang out mostly in the afternoon in the garage.Just text me for directions if you were newer here.

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