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Posts: 1366
Location: Estonia
Occupation: x
Age: 24
V$: 16,666
#77603   2015-07-06 20:39          
I bought myself brand new BN Sports kit for my Kouki! Got it from my friend who sells these in UP Garage. We installed the kit at the track when we were drifting again with our close group of friends. Sadly, my AC's does not look good with new kit, it did with stock Kouki body. I need a new set of rims in size of 18" & I wish they'd be deep/concave. Also after getting new rims I'll probably change suspension system for better drifting & more camber with lower height. In the morning I took pics at garage, uhh, & I smoked it a little :D
Also I installed Bride seats that I had laying in my garage.
When changing rear bumper, I found out that previous owner (my friend Kohaku) had made a custom rear license plate holder. Usually to move the plate you have to unscrew it off, but in Japan here's a stupid system where there's a government applied seal on screw that avoids you removing the plate. So the plate is usually screwed on the chassis. Anyway, I'm amazed of that custom plate holder made by Kohaku, because that way I can move the plate without damaging the seal.

This post was edited by Coprone (2015-07-06 20:47, ago)
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