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Tom Diablo

Posts: 687

Location: Germany Autobahn 44
Occupation: Self-combustion
Age: 34
#77399   2015-07-04 07:34          
It's been a while! Quite some stuff happened while I wasn't here. The Rolf is gone; Sold it to a wealthy car collector who travels around the US searching for odd and unique cars. He's a really cool guy! The Varietta is my daily for now because the S13 has no AC and the heat is unbearable. The red Silvia convertible sure turns heads! The camaro is finished tech-wise. Justin will paint it himself but when he's around with the painted car I'll snap a pic for sure.

I've paid my grandpa a visit who lives in Utah. He has a nice farm there and I've stayed for a weekend. (My dad isn't the farming-type so he moved to Valo with my mother) Grandpa is a really cool fella; He's 78 but he gives a damn about it XD When I was there, he said: "Tom, I've got something for you. It belonged to your dad but he forgot about it when he got that BMW." So we went to a shed, opened it and inside was a 1967 Chevy Chevelle SS. Sits there since 1987. I'll try to restore it when I got it home. I'll update the car to modern standards, too which means:
-Convert it to EFI IF the engine is still good; Otherwise LS3 swap.
-New suspension. The stock suspension was way too soft back then.
-I'll try to get some Torq Thrust rims for it :D

Diesel life
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