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Posts: 779

Location: Canada Ontario
Occupation: Hood Rat
Age: 27
V$: 69,420
#76736   2015-06-27 03:18          
From my 2JZ experience, the Garrett was the best turbo for power and money that I ran and I also run a Garrett on my 1000+WHP RB28 Skyline. I've got a couple turbos laying around and I can sell you one if you'd like. What kind of power are you trying to make?

Added 6 minutes later:

I have a GTW3476R which is good for 450-700HP with probably about 900KMs on it, as well I have a stock RB20DET turbocharger from my old RB which is a T25 or T28 series with a T3 flange apparently, don't know as much about it as I bought the first one from the Turbo by Garrett site. Has about 45000KMs on it. Probably good for about 300-325HP, daily status stuff.

This post was edited by Haku (2015-06-27 03:26, ago)

Do it for the ratchets
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