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Posts: 466

Location: Australia
#76202   2015-06-21 22:44          
haha can you blame us coprone its fuckn awesome the only map mod i really use as i can use valo for once in my life

Added 1 minute later:

well customer #1 wandered into the shop this morning and asked me to do a engine conversion on his car only i dont fully understand the engine im building him well why im building it anyway

Added 17 minutes later:

what ways can i tune a engine for more power? i know how to tune fuel and boost but does anything else have a effect on the game

Added 14 minutes later:

very happy customer doing a skid in his 1000hp 13bpp ae86 i could have done a better job with the tuning but i think i need to hire out to someone who is better at the turning

This post was edited by stonedmonster (2015-06-21 23:18, ago)
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