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Posts: 779

Location: Canada Ontario
Occupation: Hood Rat
Age: 27
V$: 69,420
#75196   2015-06-08 00:28          
# marcus915 : already beat you to it ;) bought mine for $500 though damn, if I held out a little longer I could have bought yours :P
Not sure how to feel on the trunk, but we'll see.

S'all good, I'll just start charging more for it ;) I think it looks good though, will look better when your car is a complete colour trust me.

# CALLmeSCOOBY : Hey Hey Hey, Im BACK!

Sup all, im back after a while.Well im still haveing the WRX Wagon, but i sold the Bimer and the Z34.The Cressy is still sitting in the back of my garage and idk what i will make out of her.I was not able to buy my wife the car she wanted, but kinda am glad i didnt, cause her plans were completly different.Back then we bought a Altezza Gita cause she sad that our "daily" (WRX Wagon) isnt a daily anymore and she wants a car that will stay atleast a bit normal, and that i wont turn this one into a project car.At least she is into cars aswel so we changed just a few things to make it look a bit nicer. Here some pics of the

Welcome back man and beautiful Altezza, I rarely see the wagon ones.

Do it for the ratchets
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