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Posts: 779

Location: Canada Ontario
Occupation: Hood Rat
Age: 27
V$: 69,420
#71379   2015-04-22 02:44          
Here's a look at my new car, if you can believe it.

There's always a catch though, isn't there?

Alright so a story comes with this car and I'll tell it in a few parts.

1. This is a 2011 Audi B8 S4 that used to belong to a customer of my shop. I actually acquired this car about 2 months ago back when I was in the old shop. I loved this car from the day he brought it in about 7 months ago. This is no regular S4, though. He wasn't a big fan of the V6 that came in this generation S4. He did however love the 4.2 V8 from the B7 RS4. Welcome to V8 B8.

2. My friend/customer, who I shall not name, was driving the S4 one night when it met this untimely demise. As he explained it to me, he was driving when something jumped into the middle of the road. He slammed on the brakes and couldn't stop in time before hitting this big ass deer that had just frozen in the road. It ran off very soon after, but the damage was done. He told me that it wasn't worth it for him to keep it, he had his fun and was on to other things. He gave me a deal on it instead of trying to sell it elsewhere, and then it was mine.

So here's the thing. This build has actually been very simple so far and doesn't require a lot of picture documentation. I doubt you really need to see piece by piece the bumper and hood and lights being put on. Here is the car as it sat for a little while, waiting for it's new front end.

I ordered all the pieces I needed from Audi so that everything would be a 100% fit and OEM. If I was going to rebuild the front end, it would be done right. This also ensured colour matching no problem, as they sold the car in this colour.

A few weeks later and all the pieces arrived. They got fitted and installed not too long after, and everything fit like a charm. In that time I had picked up a Thule roof rack and box for extra scene points.

I did one final modification, which I actually did while waiting for the Audi bits to arrive. I installed a full Milltek Catback Exhaust System with Exhaust Valves (That open and close at the push of my magic S button). The system is meant for the B7 RS4 and we had to do a bit of retrofitting, but we got it on and sounding amazing.

Then I finally got to drive it around Valo and let me say that this car is immensely fun, sounds spectacular, and looks great to me.

I present to you, the storm trooper.

So next comes fitment. I've already got an Accuair system ready to be installed on the car and I can't wait to get it low as hell.

Do it for the ratchets
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