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Posts: 779

Location: Canada Ontario
Occupation: Hood Rat
Age: 27
V$: 69,420
#70759   2015-04-17 02:37          
# Driftphantom : Thanks got big plans! and Yeah man long time no see, Ill meet up with ya just tell me where :)

Alright man I can meet you at your place, just give me a few minutes. Just had to tow the R33 back to the shop but I could use a drink now man :))


So the other night I told Facepalm I'd head out to the East Valo highway, I wasn't lying either.

I parked up by the highway entrance and waited to see if some other people would show up and soon enough, some people did. I ended up racing this guy in a supra, he claimed he had 900+ HP at the wheels and by the looks of it, it was highly plausable, so we went for a run.

He had me for a while up until the tunnels, but he started to let off and having less fear and more horsepower, I went for the outside to pass.

I ended up beating him by a few more car lengths by the end of the tunnel.

Next I raced this Ferrari F430 Stradale pushing about 800HP. We ran for almost a lap of the highway pretty even but he ended up having to pull off dude to mechanical issues.

So fast forward to tonight, I was out killing time running the highway when this E36 pulls up behind me and flashes his high beams at me. I line up with him and wait for him to gun it, he immediately takes the lead.

as we come around one of the corners I start to gain on him. I move to the outside to pass him but he slams on the breaks and turns into directly where I'm about to be. I can't stop in time and I slam into the back of his car.

I ended up pushing his car into the wall of the tunnel, my front end following hitting at about 80 KM/H before spinning to the right.

It felt like the car was going to flip but it just spun around again before coming to a full stop.

Then other guy fled.

The R33 is once again broken.

Do it for the ratchets
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