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Posts: 1486

Location: Greece
Occupation: dunno
Age: 24
V$: 19,175
#70754   2015-04-17 00:01          
Okay, so I'm getting to know East Valo better now. And I'm not liking the part I'm seeing now...
So I got on me Prelude to go get me turbos, when I see this:

A group of ricers attempted to torch this old man's Kadett, after beating it up.
The Kadett is now sitting on my garage, awaiting repairs.
Meanwhile, I heard someone say this:
"Yeah they're REALLY going for that guy's Impala. They don't like anything that is old or not riced. He should be careful... Very..."
Looks like that group of ricers was just a preview of what's awaiting me on Eastern Valo. Meanwhile, I've taken the Impala somewhere safe.
  • Progress on the Bugatti: 10%
    Engine got mended
    Spoiler is now going up and down normally.
  • Progress on the Ferrari: 10%
    Got it sanded and ready for paint.
  • Progress on the Kadett: 5%
    Removed fallen parts.
  • Progress on the Prelude: 10%
    Turbos are installed.
  • This topic is locked, new posts are not allowed.