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Posts: 504

Location: United States
Occupation: Doing Virtual Speedhunters articles.
Age: 25
V$: 79,410
#70655   2015-04-16 01:26          
@Tom Diablo Sorry man, I already picked this up before I checked this forum again!
So, I was browsing Valolist, when I came upon this thing. It's in great condition for what it is, but it's going to need a lot of work. She came with a Nonturbo RB26, but I'm probably going to put a L28 in it and do something else. It came with some other parts, so once I got home I tossed them on. What color should I get it? I was thinking Midnight Blue or a BRG.

VS Roleplay Speedhunters Hub
# Bigg Boss93 : Ahahah that's sick, well done dude! :D
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