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Posts: 504

Location: United States
Occupation: Doing Virtual Speedhunters articles.
Age: 25
V$: 79,410
#70542   2015-04-15 04:32          
(Since everyone else is restarting their RP, I might as well too.)

Hey everyone! I've been lurking on this forum for a while now, and now that I'm finally actually moving to Valo, I thought I'd introduce myself. Well, not myself. Moreso, my Mini. Moreso again, my K20 turbo 350WHP Mini.

It's quick as all hell, and a blast to drive. However, I'm using this as my daily, so does anyone have an old beater for sale? Something RWD, like a 240sx or the like?
VS Roleplay Speedhunters Hub
# Bigg Boss93 : Ahahah that's sick, well done dude! :D
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