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Posts: 252

Location: Sweden
Occupation: Doin hoodrat stuffs
Age: 26
V$: 7376V$
#70498   2015-04-14 18:50          
240sx/GS300 UPDATE
Right, I bought a pair of kouki taillights from a good friend in Japan for the 240sx
and they finally arrived today after a 3 week long wait :p So I jumped straight ahead
and started testfitting.

Stock ones-

Kouki ones with panel in between-

Always been a sucker for kouki taillights. If only they werent that expensive :))
They are going out again once the car is getting painted but that will take a while
so they will stay on for now. Havent wired them or anything, I just got them fitted
to see how it would look :)

Now GS300 time!
It went in to get wrapped last friday and got a call this morning that it was ready
for me outside. Went with a darker blue!

Dont know if u can notice but I got my Junction Produce front bumper fitted for zeh car.
Looks great IMO! It's nice to finally have a nice daily instead of the crappy volvo 855 I used
to have!

Til next time!

This post was edited by 2jzCookie (2015-04-14 19:17, ago)
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