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Posts: 1476
Location: United States
Occupation: Certified GM Mechanic
Age: 26
V$: sure
#70284   2015-04-13 02:31          
So, last week, I was talking to the lease owner for the Top Gear test track, and as a big going away thing, their holding a race of sorts. Basically, for $500 per person, 2 cars each, there's 3 laps, per car, per class. the classes at under 300 hp, under 600 hp, and under 1000 hp. Long story short, I signed up all the current members of PTG, and paid the fees myself. We can bring 2 cars a piece, but its $100 extra if you want to being another. The race is a time trial, so whoever gets the best time in each class, gets a section of the money that was given as admission. The money that was given, was split into 3 parts, one for each class. The event is 2 weeks from tomarrow, so make sure your cars are ready! I'm gonna run my '04 Subaru in the under 1000 class, and tune it up to about 945, and I'm gonna run the Kamaro in the sub 600 class, with 525 hp. Just let me know what cars, and class, you'll be running in. There's also a drag race for charity later in the week, and its $50 per run, all the way down the airstrip. All the procedes left over will go to the Wounded Wariiors project. Im gonna pay the extra 100, and bring the Shitstang. The person who wins the drag, no money. Just bragging rights really...
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