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Posts: 779

Location: Canada Ontario
Occupation: Hood Rat
Age: 27
V$: 69,420
#70022   2015-04-10 22:28          
I have whole front end for 240SX/S13 that I bought from you, I'll grab pics of how they looked last hold on.

Added 5 minutes later:

Ok the last pic I have of them on the S13 is this

however they are not camo anymore, they are the same purple you see on the car. I was originally going to keep it flip light but I got the deal on the S13 front end. Front bumper is white and in rough shape, the one I got from you.

+ Type X Rep

I'll give you all this + Wiring harness + white gas cap for your car, $400 cash and I'll drop it off to you.

This post was edited by Haku (2015-04-10 22:33, ago)

Do it for the ratchets
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