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Posts: 1486

Location: Greece
Occupation: dunno
Age: 24
V$: 19,175
#69990   2015-04-10 20:03          
So have you guys ever been to Eastern Valo?
You probably haven't so I'll give you a small tour.
What lies in the streets of East Valo is nothing like what we've got over here on South Valo.
I'm pretty sure you saw my crashed Mark 100. It happens that I crashed it there, and it's the reason why I've been recently looking for a new car.
Their idea of tuning is completely different than ours. They've got money and they're not afraid to show it.
On the city itself, your average tuned cars are these:

Astons, Lamborghinis and engine swapped cars. They're serious about tuning there, and their street races? Man they're AWESOME to watch! And exciting!
On the highway, you may encounter cars like this one:

Yes, there's this dude with a LaFerrari cruising on the highway, challenging unsuspecting racers. I know because he challenged my now-dead Mark 100...
So, I was thinking, why don't we open a PTG garage over there too? Expand our horizons, y'know.
Also, those cars that I just showed you? All belong to old college friends, who are now grown men like me and you. Well, except for the Aston, that one belongs to an old colleague of mine. They could all help us out. Well, at least I could run the garage over there at East Valo.
And should I mention, there have been recent rumours about two brothers with Bugattis. They say one is a Veyron 1.6, and the other one is a modified, much faster EB110.

This post was edited by Facepalm (2015-04-10 20:15, ago)
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