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Posts: 1366
Location: Estonia
Occupation: x
Age: 24
V$: 16,666
#69761   2015-04-08 18:54          
# Robustock : My friend is selling this Silvia if someone is interested, in particular you Coprone, I read that you may want that Gentleman kit...
Also I'll buy a new car soon as possible, maybe a little euro one, I really dont know atm.
Seems to be a good S14, but I have to sell my second 240SX S13 (gray) before. If you want you can have it for some price we both would be happy at. If you really want an euro, my dad has a MK1 Golf at his summer cottage he recently got back.

Oh and by the way, my brother found his old S14 BN Sports & Vertex style bumper from his car "collection" (we call it collection but it's actually a junkyard where he & his team members dump their old missiles etc. Don't worry, it's legally owned by him & it's not in the woods).
Bumper itself needs some work, basically bogging to get it back to it's shape. Here's a picture of it after I attempted (and succeed) to install it.

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