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Posts: 252

Location: Sweden
Occupation: Doin hoodrat stuffs
Age: 26
V$: 7376V$
#69734   2015-04-08 14:22          
I'd say we stop bitching. It's that easy.

Sure, all of our posts might not be that realistic but we try. U have to realise not everyone is on the same level of knowledge about cars(therefore less realistic builds or whatever) or have the same photo editing skills. I know I'm constantly trying to improve my editing skills and posts. Im sure the rest of us would like to get better at it aswell.

If u ask me the realism is limited in SLRR aswell. Not every mod is high quality and have huge amounts of parts that comes along which limits the creativity of the build. That's just the way it goes and I guess we need to adapt to that and we try our best. Atleast I do.

So quit the negativity and learn to apprecite the build. If you dont like it or you feel like u need to point something out that you feel is dumb or un realistic then hold it in would ya? We are all here because we think it's fun and stuff like that just kills the vibe. That's just how I feel.
Another thing, Im not pointing fingers at anyone but I just thought this might clear some stuff up! :)
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