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Posts: 691

Location: United States
Age: 24
V$: 58,790
#69688   2015-04-08 00:43          
So I finally got the engine built by me and my buddies at Predator Tuning, so far I have not yet dyno'd it but I'll have to stop by after I get the car running, It's missing a few electrical bits here and there. Tom had to drive me to the hospital, one of the pistons came de-attached while we were assembling and crushed my ankle, lets say i'll be out for a bit. Here's the cars progression so far.

The engine sitting nice and tidy. :)

Here's the car at Predators Garage.

And here's where she will sit until I eventually get better, looks like Valo Matsuri will have to wait, although I can still get a ride there. XD

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