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Posts: 491

Location: Sweden
Occupation: Proper fixin' up
#61456   2015-01-23 16:23          
# Daniel : For fucks sake.. This car has been asked about so fucking many times.

It is NOT released. Never was, never will be. (And no, "leaked" does not count as released).

This must have been asked as many times as the Ebola "walked and we be friends".

Added 2 minutes later:

# KeeJay : @PXRZ - Woowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoo...

420 blaze it, 'cuz 420 forum posts!

"Probably lol. Also that sentence goes for their logic: "if not released, must be on VK"." - Coprone

"Sometimes i wonder if LocomanUSA is your relative, or even the same person..." - Bigg Boss93

"PXRZ: Lord of the Links" - Facepalm