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Posts: 2

Location: Netherlands
#59420   2015-01-04 00:50          
Here's the story of my car. I've fixed the car together with some friends to speed up the process.

I bought a old GMC Sonoma, which caught fire for years ago... As you can see, the original color was red.

I've inspected the whole bodywork, unfortunately the only parts good enough to save where the chassis with the cabin.

The idea to fix this car started to look realistic when the car was sandblasted.

We've placed a new suspension in the car.

After the new suspension, a new engine was added (which wasn't that great). It had 453Hp.

The bodywork is done:

The test of the engine, it ran pretty well.

A new paintjob was needed to protect the body from rust.

Again we've cleared the engine bay to fit in a new engine.

How the car currently looks:

Updates are following, I've ordered some bigger tires and some better suspension.
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