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Posts: 252

Location: Sweden
Occupation: Doin hoodrat stuffs
Age: 26
V$: 7376V$
#59382   2015-01-03 20:10          
Promised pics of the 86 so here it is! Not much has changed since last time
but it's almost ready for primer and then paint.

Got a wing for it. It's used but that works fine with me. There are no visible cracks in it...yet xD
Also got the new rims on it. It's some deep steelies I had laying around that was supposed to go on
the Shitierra until I found out what a rustbucket that was. They are wrapped in 245/20/15 stretched
michelin pilots with decent rubber left on them. They seem to be perfect for the amount of power the
4a-ge has (323 hp)

The headlight I bought from Dxg fits like a glove. Allthough I had to fiddle around with the airfilter that was sticking out from the
headlights mountingspot. I got a new radiator for it aswell. The one it had weren't gonna do it for me due to the high temperatures while
drifting. SO... I bought a new, for once, Koyorad radiator that will work just fine. I also got a tankdoor for it but it flew off on the way
to work without me noticing it... Other than that it got some stickers. They will go if I decide to paint it.

That's it for now. Would love to do more to it but i'm gonna have to wait til my next paycheck!
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