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Posts: 66

Location: Puerto Rico
Occupation: IT Technician
Age: 36
#58868   2014-12-29 23:35          
Whats up guys? Its been a while. Been busy with customer rides and I havent had time to work on mine. Got a little vacation last month and decided to go back to my little island on the Caribbean While there I found my first car in my dads garage and 1987 FC RX7. (Had one IRL too, currently drive an RX8) Its a mess but my old man was keeping it safe hoping I would fix it someday. Here are the pics.

Its missing the whole frond end. Engine is the original S5 13B-REW. N/A and Im planing to TT. I been working on these since I was a kid (IRL) so know my way around these engines. They say puertoricans are rotary crazy and can stuff a rotary in a toaster if they let them. Its true! lol Anyways...

I took it for a spin but the ride was VERY rough so I took it back in and pulled the engine right away, little dude is almost 80K miles so its due for a rebuild anyways.

Also found some fenders in my junk pile so I bolted them right away. I hope to work this car and finish it by sping so I can use it as my DD.
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