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Posts: 491

Location: Sweden
Occupation: Proper fixin' up
#55658   2014-11-23 13:27          
# Daniel : Was never released, was never finished. It's some old WIP by Rodney007 i think.

This is a discontinued mod that was not by Rodney007, but rather Varga Victor.

Wonder why it never got finished though? Lack of motivation or too many PMs at once (Massive PM spree) about release dates?

Added 4 minutes later:

# Coprone : That's just a render, there's none with bunnies yet.

Bloody bunnies covering the car with blood or driving bunnies? Driving ones would be more comfortable, unless they drive as you do in the Scary Movie quadrology... xD

"Probably lol. Also that sentence goes for their logic: "if not released, must be on VK"." - Coprone

"Sometimes i wonder if LocomanUSA is your relative, or even the same person..." - Bigg Boss93

"PXRZ: Lord of the Links" - Facepalm