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Posts: 86

Location: Italy
#46139   2014-08-19 16:00          
# ajlennox : So you've never seen a missile with a roof rack for carrying tires and drift charms?

Yeah, but maybe the owners of these cars don't care much about form, while they do for the function aspect. And I'm 101% sure that they wouldn't even think of putting a crappy useless beak bar under their car. And last, they're not missles, they're just some "standard", "low budget", amateur drift cars. Drift missles are a whole other business

Guys, I'm not talking about not to post your car as you want it to be, but damn, at least don't write down things about stuff that you don't know properly

Btw let's get back on topic, Vitos, youre FD is a blast, huge compliments, very very nice.