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Posts: 561

Location: Japan ,South America, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way,Universe.
Occupation: Trying to make an mod that work
Age: 23
V$: 12.750
#103215   2016-07-14 21:04          
Sold the chevy for a guy from texas that just got crazy with the truck and some parts the parts that i doesnt had installed.For an Huge price V$14000 and also some money from lttle jobs that i made withthe truck.Sold the parts that were changed for the upgraded ones+V$2000 bu i kept one wheel and the bumper for some decoration stuff The Creesie as sent to paint and she will come back tomorrow.
This truck made Lots of money for me its an shame sell she but the offroad will never stop because i will NEVER sell my Subie.


Sold Chevy +V$14000
Sold Chevy parts +V$2000
Little jobs with the Chevy +V$760

This post was edited by Jdm_Racer (2016-07-14 21:12, ago)
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