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Posts: 23

Location: United States
Occupation: Desginer
Age: 25
V$: 17750
#102901   2016-07-08 06:09          
@ryku220 Im using slrr by jack v4.
I realize that i need to open a screenshot folder by myself

And i bought another car

Added 1 hour 32 minutes later:

Yep this is the new car i bought !!!! 224k on the Body, No engine half stripped interior
it started its life as a parts car

it was a parts car at first,i want to install a NA8C miata engine in it so..... yeah

This post was edited by Ar_Dan (2016-07-08 10:58, ago)
Roleplay Money :
20000 V$
Sold 180 frontend + 200V$
Sold 180 brakes + 100V$
Bought old brakes - 50V$
bought new wheels - 100V$
R33 Gts-T -2000V$