3 simple apps for android i managed to "acquire" ;)

1st - vstanced.com RSS feed - this simply pulls all the forum posts/news from vstanced.com

2nd - gom-team.com RSS feed - again all news/forum posts from gomteam

3rd - this pulls all the posts/news from both GOM and VSTANCED - this is the one i recommend to use


put in your SD
Install as normal by double clicking on the .apk file

NOTE - You might need to enable non market apps to do so go to settings/applications and tick a box on "unknown sources"

also - allow them to update properly - it will take some time depending on the phones connection - WIFI recommended for the first launch ;)

now i would add these 3 to the market but the problem is they want a registration fee of $25 - don't have that money to waste at the moment :)


if you get any problems let me know - Grudas/Jesus_christ

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