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Posts: 135
Location: Croatia Popovaca
Occupation: Remaking menus and other $h1z
Age: 23
V$: 2 000
#62047   2015-01-29 22:42          
# bikesnbimmers : this shit sucks haha last night i was almost done with my car then boom but that sucks man id go through and keep trying to see if a error will pop up
Nvm it fixed itself,it was my bloody Cortina that was making the issue happen,but i have Vstanced rim pack and if i go past the 1st or 2nd page it crashes with this error log:
!JVM::assignmentConversion: typecast failed (;)Ljava.lang.GameType; in file "" at line 1311

i mean,i'm not using those rims and it's working just fine,but still,from a game made in 2003 it handles extreme modding pretty well ;)

i don't have the vstanced pack,nor i know which one makes the game crash,but why can't i put any Ford engines in any of my cars?