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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#58675   2014-12-28 15:09          
# Bigg Boss93 : "# ggarage : How to make smaller distance in moving parts? Is that script or?"
it's in java, i'll show you later(going to dine atm XD)

crap i forgot of this, will post it in a second

Added 3 minutes later:

open your *\parts\scripts\*folder*\Src

i'll take as example the interesting part otherwise it'd be too long) but it works the same on every of them:

public void buildTuningMenu( Menu m )
		Slider s;
		old_posX = posX;
		old_posY = posY;
		old_posZ = posZ;
		old_rotY = rotY;
		old_rotP = rotP;
		old_rotR = rotR;
		s = m.addItem( "X", 1, posX, -min, max, step, null );
		s.changeVLabelText( Float.toString(posX, "   %displayed stepf") );
		s = m.addItem( "Y", 2, posY, -5.0, 5.0, 801, null );
		s.changeVLabelText( Float.toString(posY, "   %1.3f") );
		s = m.addItem( "Z", 3, posZ, -5.0, 5.0, 801, null );
		s.changeVLabelText( Float.toString(posZ, "   %1.3f") );
		s = m.addItem( "Y", 4, rotY, -180.0, 180, 361, null );
		s.changeVLabelText( Float.toString(rotY, "   %1.0f degrees") );
		s = m.addItem( "P", 5, rotP, -180.0, 180, 361, null );
		s.changeVLabelText( Float.toString(rotP, "   %1.0f degrees") );
		s = m.addItem( "R", 6, rotR,-180.0, 180, 361, null );
		s.changeVLabelText( Float.toString(rotR, "   %1.0f degrees") );
		m.addItem( "Reset", 0 );
Harrison15 about PXRZ: he turns everything into a pretzel in his head