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Posts: 99

Location: Japan , Utsunomiya
Occupation: Developing s t y l e
Age: 22
V$: TooLow
#157452   2019-08-07 12:17          

First drift day at nikko!!!

Since i didn't have time yesterday as i had to work hard in my job i'm getting first ever drift day today!!!! I have almost no clue about drifting when it comes to how to do it i only know how it looks so it'll be fun learning i guess. I'll have to tow the r32 again though since it's not registered and i'm not planning to get any tickets or lose the car. Esketit!!!!

We're at the track boiiissss!!!! I didn't bring any tires with me as i don't think i'll even go through one set. I had to pay V$300 for the entry but it'll be worth it!!! I'm gonna go line up and start the humiliation of myself lol.

First spin out, here we go it's annoying but i have to bear with it until i learn it. It's gonna be hard but i'll learn it today. My goal is to link 2 corners right after that first long sweeper and i'll call it a good day.

Yet another spin out...i won't stop till i can do at least one good corner. I can do this... Also the car is working great, it doesn't act up on me everything works fine nothing rattles or such. Looks like i got myself a well maintained drift car for cheap. Now back to the drifting i go.

Another one but i feel it better and better, also kinda get what i need to do hopefully next attempt will be successful. I can do this!

I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST CORNER I PROPERLY DRIFTED WOOOOOO!!! That was siiiccckkk!!! I'm sooo happy, link 2 corners next EESSSKKKEEETTTIIITTT!!!!!

Daaaaaaammmmmnnnnnnnn i just linked 2 corners!!!!! Just barely made it before end of the day!!! Guess i know where i'll come tomorrow! I'm gonna leave the r32 in the parking so i don't have to pay for the towing once again even though it's like 10 mins away. I'm gonna get home on foot but i'm soo stoked it doesn't even matter. Car did awesome and i didn't even knew that there was a guy watching my each and every run doing some photos hehe.

This post was edited by Leopard13631 (2019-08-12 11:50, ago)

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