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Posts: 430

Location: Bangladesh
Occupation: topkek
V$: yes
#157441   2019-08-06 20:56          
OHHHHHHHH so my old PS13 wasnt even a PS13 at all HAHAHAHAHA EPIC
But goddamn man im so glad it shreds again!! And looks SO GOOD too!
Was very painful seeing it rot in one corner of the garage ngl

Sad to see the 200SX going off as well
But as Smoke said, its going to GOOD HANDS after all ;)

Current owned cars:
- Toyota Supra GA-JZA70 Mk3
- BMW E46 M3
- Nissan Skyline ECR33 GTS25t
- Nissan 200SX Hatchback
- BMW E92 335i
- Nazda RX-7 FD3S Type RS
- Mazda RX-7 JF1FD (USDM)
- Nissan Silvia S14