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Posts: 844

Location: Indonesia
Occupation: Following Those Damn Trains
V$: Broke
#152126   2018-12-18 20:56          
Small Update: Tokyo Trip Start!

After enduring a long stint of work (both here and IRL), finally I got some time to enjoy winter holiday!
As I've said in the previous update, I decided to spend the rest of the year+the first week of the year at Tokyo.
It's time to hit the road and blast through the winter to meet some friends! :D

[10 Dec 2018]
Yay paycheck! Another V$565 in my hands. This'll be handful for my trip later. And oh, winter finally comes to Tsukuba as well. The good this is, as long as the road isn't fully covered in snow or ice (thin ice is still okay), I could still run my Potenzas for the winter. Good for even more cheeky low-speed slides on the streets without worrying about tyre wear :D

In the meantime, I started to notify my clients about my winter break, where I could only receive soft copy works to be done until I come back from Tokyo. And of coure deep in mind I hope there aren't many orders to be done when I'm in Tokyo later :))

[17 Dec 2018]
Another paycheck, another V$565 landed in my pocket. With the Tokyo trip coming less in 24 hours, I decided to contact Muza (Niatross) about my visit. To be fair, I should've done this at the middle of the previous week, but there were so many orders to be done I almost forgot about this. But that's okay tho, finally I got the time.

"Hello, Muza here"
"Ah hello, it's me Edo. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow and going to visit you guys aswell"
"Oh sure sure, you're welcome to jump in with us"
"Should I notify your boys as well?"
"No need to, don't worry. I'll tell them later"
"Thanks man, I appreciate that. I'm going to pack my stuff for my visit so see ya soon"
"See ya man, can't wait to see you"

With Muza giving the green light to visit his place, I started to pack my stuff and get an early sleep to ensure I can endure a long trip to Tokyo. I really gotta keep my eyes open in the winter. As of my luggage, they're consisting of clothes, spare jacket, camping-spec sleeping bag that I haven't use for more than a year, bath stuff (soap, toothpaste and brush etc.), towel, two roll of ducktapes, first aid kit, a map in case of my phone being dead, a laptop, phone and laptop chargers, portable electric socket, a camping stove and two of my steelies in case the road is too dangerous to run on the Potenzas. I'd like to bring all of them but turns out two of them can't fit the boot of the Evo, so I have to make do with the rest.

[18 Dec 2018]
I woke up to a chilly, snowy morning with blue skies at 7am. After a warm shower, putting on warm clothes and a final preparation, I got off my crib at 9.15am for a long trip to Tokyo. HERE WE GO!

Thankfully, the road is still considerably dry. The weather report news mentioned a chance of heavy snowfall though. I decided to refuel my Evo first at my favourite gas station and have a breakfast at the cafetaria section. Welp, the food is....okay, but at least it's nutritious and lasts longer compared to if I only take a ramen or cereal back at my crib. Then the inevitable happened: As I enjoyed my meal, the sky darkens

With the Evo refuelled to the brim and I got refuelled as well, I continued my trip under heavy snow. How does my tyres fare against the damp road under snowy condition? Let's find out......

Surprisingly the Evo still could hold up in the straights of the highway, though changing lane becomes a bit of a terror in this conditions. I continued my trip, listening to the news while remembering the directions given by Sera (see previous update) from this highway to Tokyo.

As I continue to roll across the heighway heading to Tokyo, I mumbled to myself: "What should I get for the Evo over the stay? I think I can't waste this chance to get some parts"

I'll continue the progress when I'm arrived at Tokyo, so stay tuned!
But now, the cash management first:

That's all my updates for now, thank you for stopping by and see you soon at Tokyo!
Still following the damn train since 1992

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