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#151379   2018-11-16 09:23          
It's returning really weird values
These are not the flags set in the cfgs those are lost upon loading of the cfg (or rather they are not loaded to memory so its impossible to manipulate them directly as of yet)

American turn signals
I dont see a clear (reasonable) way to do this with the current setup.

glow object (or other render) aligned to a part
I only know of the way you described with making parts and slots a sophistication of the method would be to use the SetRenderType function of the Part class as to circumvent the actual attachment and detachment, or the slot movement and avoid suffering the flying glows upon flipping the car, also speed up the process somewhat.
The bad solution would be active monitoring and aligning the matrices but that is a horrendous idea.

Also there are some functions in the RenderRef class which you can try (I managed to change the color of the glow of a given (head)light but not of the projected texture) these are:
public native void setLight( int diffuse, int ambient, int specular );
public native void setFlare( ResourceRef glowtexture, int glowColor, float glowMinSize, float glowMaxSize, int flareCount, int rayCount );
So if you had detachable indicator and other lights(bulbs maybe) you probably would be able to make them do what you want but its getting complicated :/ (need to check if the parent-chassis has ignition and what not)

Bigg Boss93: