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#148115   2018-08-22 00:54          
I updated the "Ever refreshing patchlink" for SlrrExhaustive and the SlrrExhaustiveBits with the new general shader overwrite which handles lights much better and does technically reduce the load on the cpu as the game was calculating pervertex lighting for static scene objects on the cpu and it did operate with a lot of lights in some places (over 300 lights in downtown Valocity...) but I don't think this is noticeable fps-wise the inefficiencies are more prominent elsewhere (while digging deeper into Slrr I found that the drawing and the general mesh and texture manipulation is atrociously inefficient, for example the game keeps 3 copies of the lights in a scene (whose number can be as high as 300 which seems alright but these get copied over each frame if you are unlucky))

In the SlrrExhaustive patch I also (finally) included the sounds Driftmonkey (Youtube) sent me they are objectively better than the originals, he did a splendid job making them kudos to him for working on a version I could include, thanks!

The general shader overwrite is disabled by default in the SlrrExhasutiveBits downloads (reshade config, ReflectionSettings, OverWriteGeneralRendering == 0) because I couldn't test all modded tracks and there may be some incompatibilities though the ones I tested didn't have any (also this is a big change in visuals so it may be a little too intrusive)

Here are some comparison pictures(first the new look, second the old)