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Posts: 721

Location: Japan Osaka
Occupation: JDM Car enthusiast
Age: 29
V$: broke
#148087   2018-08-21 17:11          
# Lagano : So you finally got a GTR, my man. Now you're in the gang for real! Well it's not really a Skyline but it's still a GTR! And a V Spec!! That was a steal, maybe it was cheaper because it didn't have original wheels, well the LM's look even better anyway. All those electronics, that start/stop thingy, flappy paddles etc. are just not for me, this stuff is too modern lol. Nonetheless, it will be awesome to see it at the meeting! :D

Haha yeah I did. It's very different from what I originally wanted , which was the R34 , but I wanted to give it a shot after all , plus , the offer was really good so I just had to buy it. Maybe I'll own the R34 in the future as well . but we'll see about that when we get there. I'm still a little bit weirded out by how technologically advanced it is , but I'll get used to it I hope , either way , it's something different , right ? :P