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Bigg Boss93

Posts: 4024
Location: Italy - Sardegna
Occupation: Swimming out of the shit pool
Age: 30
V$: More than you can afford, pal.
#144907   2018-07-15 22:01          
Some cars arent properly UVW mapped(which means the parts arent properly aligned as if it was one of those cardboard/paper cars you make in kindergarten) which obviously doesnt help when you want to make a paintjob(or wont allow it at all in some cases).

If you have a properly UVW mapped car, though, you can obtain the single parts UVW in the way you already know(painting the car with a huge sticker ingame and opening the many single files into ps), then you can just load all of these files into a single one and there you get the complete UVW map where you can create/apply your paintjob livery, then you just have to save and replace that single file in the original folder, load the paintjob ingame and copy-paste the new livery to all the parts(with the copy-paint tool ingame).
With so much drama in the V-S-T, it's kinda hard being Bigg B-O-double-S-ninetythree B)