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#138020   2018-02-27 11:50          
It can be done with some limitations as always, I added a new function to the chassis.class
public native int getIndexedAddr( int index );
which acts similar to the getIndexedData but instead of returning the data as float pointed by the offset it returns the offset this coupled with the address of the current gear as an int which is the gear ratio + 0x20 or
public static final int IndexedData_GearNumber = 0x20FC-0x304;
is enough to set the gear to a specific hmm gear the numbering goes as expected but the R is 7.

With an example call of
the result is:

(mind you I have the ThrottleOnInAutoShiftDeadTime at 1.0 that is why the original shifting results in some throttling this also exemplifies that ofcourse there is some difference in setting the gear like this and through the "controller" (the ingame class not the peripheral) and this can be a limitation there will be no dead time just an instant shift)
If the car is set to automatic in the settings the game will overwrite the changes made to this offset.

I updated the files under the links of SlrrExhaustive Bits
(including the AdditionalChassisFunctions.txt)