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#137737   2018-02-21 23:31          
Bigg Boss93:
kinda like a tennis balls machine
There is a setvel command in Slrr with a format of "%*s %f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" the first three floats are the new velocity of the object (preferably a car(vehicle)) the last three are the new ypr and sadly not angular velocity.
example: "setvel 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0" );

I pushed an update to the reshade packs (SlrrExhaustive Bits) reintroducing the ability to select from predefined environment maps (reshadeFx\Textures\env_maps) and adding some physics related realtime-tweakable (these offsets can be used with the RawEdit class to set global phys properties like gravity) variables:
006186E4 -> gravity (-9.806650)
006186EC -> Collision Force mult for map objects 1 (1.0)
006186F0 -> Collision Force mult for map objects 2 (1.0)
006186F4 -> Collision Force mult for vehicle 1 (1.0)
006186F8 -> Collision Force mult for vehicle 2 (1.0)
006186FC -> Collision Force mult for vehicle 3 (1.0)
00618700 -> Collision Force mult for vehicle 4 (1.0)

00618710 -> WheelFrictionMult
00617FC4 -> WheelFrictionXMult
00617FC8 -> WheelSilictionMult

00618000 -> WheelStiffnessMult
00618004 -> WheelRollResMult
00618008 -> WheelBearingMult
0061800C -> WheelMaxLoadMult
00618010 -> WheelLoadSmoothMult
00618014 -> NativeSpring_Var1 (hardness)
00618018 -> NativeSpring_Var2 (inverse-rebound)
0061801C -> NativeSpring_Var3 (inbound inverse-softness)
00618020 -> NativeSpring_Var4 (length and bumpiness)
00618024 -> NativeSpring_Var5 (max inverse-contraction)
00618028 -> NativeSpring_Var6 (collision realted)
0061802C -> NativeSpring_Var8 (spring length)

I also added a function to the SfxTable (sparking from adnan54's idea) class which can be used to retrieve the base address of the added sound and with that one can modify the properties of the sound without calling addItem repeatedly, in a more performant manner.
public native int AddItemPtr( ResourceRef sfx, float pitch, float pmin, float pmax, float vmin, float vmax );
//these are surely valid offsets (from soundBaseOffset=AddItemPtr(..)):

I added a function to the RawEdit class
static native int CentCur(int notUsed);
which centers the cursor on the client window as per the request of tothbence for his underconstruction first person garage mod thing (LINK)

I uploaded a deeply improved version of SlrrExhaustive I drastically decreased the number of scripts potentially loaded and this should greatly extend playability I also revamped the mass of all the cars and made them stable in the air but these changes break backwards compatibility with save files so I uploaded this version to a new link and I will update the download page (LINK) aswell. Further reason to keep the old one is that the changes are not conform with popular opinion; the game become less realistic (though the new changes that one can make by tweaking the phys variables can counteract this), and this is less tested, nevertheless I think it is a quality of life improvement.
I also made sure every car has proper head tail and break lights, and added some additional content (new cars and some engines) but I can now say with utmost certainty that this is the maximum number of rpks that can be loaded.
I already mentioned this in a previous post but;
the game considers every unique rpk reference (pointing to a unique rpk) be it an external ref in an rpk or a script-reference to be.. well.. unique and reserves an index for them from a pool of 256, this also includes rpks that are not present where they are expected, and RefID-s that are refrenced directly as integers and not with the rpk reference syntax (test.rpk:0x0001r) are each considered to be part of a new unique rpk and they also get an index from the 256 there are two such references in the base game GameRef.WORLDTREEROOT and GameRef.WORLDTREELEAF so the maximum valid rpks that can be loaded is actually 254 and this version of the game loads just as many.

As for breaking backwards compatibility I merged rpks containing muffler tyre and rim definitions so one can make the saves compatible by removing these parts from the car before downloading the new archive.

From now on I will only update the patchlink for the new SlrrExhaustive (LINK) and leave the old one as it is.