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#135074   2017-12-31 21:08          
# ShadoWPhoeniX : So here's a screenshot I took with SLRR Light Edition (which people claim to be the best):

And here's a screenshot that I found a few threads back, which looks absolutely clean with minimal jaggies.

It could just be my bad cinematography but the muscle car picture looks noticeably cleaner than my own picture, and I have no idea how they did it.
That mustang pic is mine and since you liked, i may tell you what i do, to make the pics looking clean. (Btw, my pc specs are kinda low, i use a monitor that is 1440x900 and just a 9500GT by geforce)
First of all, don't even think of running slrr in window mode, unless you use a potato has a computer.
Second, the Enb that i used to take that pic you showed, was the "Better Everything Sweet FX" (That can be found in DL section)(But i don't recommend you to use it and i will explain why a few lines below)
Third, if you have a nvidia video card, you'll need to force AA (Mine are set to maximum), 'cause the original AA of slrr looks like crap.
Fourth, run slrr in your native screen resolution (Mine are 1440x900, so i programmed to run in that res.), if you do this you should be fine.
Fifth, if you don't have a powerful PC, prepare yourself, 'cause slrr will run with 20fps or less.
Sixth, be patient, usually i take around a half an hour to build just one car. And the other half of hour, taking pics.
Seventh, don't use any other slrr besides BB93's one to take pics. The one he made is the best. No wonder he's the boss. (Just use the other ones if you are looking for a real gameplay, like racing or build for fun.)
Eighth, here's a recent pic i took
, the ENB i used for that pic is the one made by doge's (Can also be found i DL section). Use the one made by him (doge), 'cause the "Better Everything Sweet FX" can't handle slrr too well, and by that i mean it still looks like the raw slrr.
Ninth, if you use a lot of mods, the game might crash a few times (Slrr if very unstable), if it does, just restart it. (Remember to always save your car by, exiting your career and reloading it)
Tenth, personally i think there's nothing wrong by taking pics directly in slrr (Pressing F12). But at this point you should decide which way is the best for you.

If you have any more questions or doubts, just PM me for further information.