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Posts: 1202

Location: Europe
Occupation: Unmuting trial
V$: J+K=£V
#129245   2017-09-21 18:51          
How much?

Added 1 hour 51 minutes later:

After a bit of work selling some (in RP) computer components, I got 100£V, giving me a total 136£V, or 185V$.

I spent 30£V on a K&N Pod Air Filter + 5£V Postage.

I've also got my paycheck, again. Giving me another 200£V. Totaling 336.46$V. I've bought another car for 200£V though, for a planned trip to LA, for parts. It's a really beat up EK9 Civic (Any who object to my claim of a £200 Civic, have this; *LINK* and *LINK* which at the time of posting this, are up for £300, and £189) (The car is based of the Turquoise example, as it's got interesting rust and primer).

It's quite good. It just about runs, and doesn't blow up. Yet.

Also I put on the E40s (from Kondzixs) and had some tyres lying around, which fit, but with a bit of stretch. They were put on by a friend at a slightly less professional shop. Also some flares bought for 5£V. With some rust cut away, to fit the wheels and flares. And some new metal sitting on the floor waiting to replace it.

While in the garage for a small bit of an inspection.

Some pictures from when it was parked outside the shop.

A burnout before the end of the day.

36.46; After much spending and doing other things.
+100.00; From Selling Computer Components.
+200.00; Paycheck.
-200.00; Civic in pristine-ish condition...
-5.00; A set only the highest quality of flares...
131.46; Total

This post was edited by Jfernando1 (2017-09-21 20:43, ago)
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