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Posts: 210

Location: Japan ,Kyoto
Occupation: Silently eatting ramen in my bedroom....
Age: 24
V$: 51,815
#127479   2017-08-27 12:57          
So ive decided to try to make mods and take on bigger things to improve what i like doing in my free time.(That being Editing pictures and messing around in blender)Now i am aware slrr can only be modified thru 3ds max so i plan to work thru blender and convert it thru 3ds. So yeah Welcome to a bunch of bullshit. Now this started off as a Muffler and now idk what it is but im sure in time ill fix it and add more mufflers to the list (Keep in mind im no pro) Next is a donut.....thats all lol and that all ive made in the matter of 1 night of no sleep and basically sitting in a hot ass room. anyway ill try to fix the muffler later tonight after work or hell even turn it into something else.