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Posts: 7

Location: United States Ohio
Age: 23
V$: 34,000
#125617   2017-07-29 15:50          
So They confirmed multiplayer and said the estimated price will be around $2.99 plus whatever the base game costs, any thoughts on what they are going to add/do for multiplayer? Open Valo Cruises, Races, will mods be allowed or no? What do you guys think about this/ the steam version in general? They didn't answer any other questions so I wanted to know someone else's thoughts on it, im personally excited to see whats to come!

My chat log (after I saw them start "Street Legal: Online)
( Sloth Kid | CSGOKingdom: WHOA! so you guys were serious about online play, will it be a DLC or included with the base game?
ImageCode LLC.: it's going to be a DLC with a price like $2.99 or something close to this )